Volunteer Application

SVM Contract and Idemnity
1) The Contract
All persons applying for Botswana Games 2015 must complete and sign the application & Indemnity form. In the case of minors the legal parents or legal guardian should sign. The person or persons who have signed the application form (or in the case of minors) are hereafter referred to as the applicants. Upon signature the client agrees to be bound by these application conditions. No agent, representative or client of SVM office has any right to alter or vary or waive any of these conditions.
2) Acceptance of Application
Upon signing the Volunteer registration form the member submits him/herself to the rules and regulations governing the Botswana Sport Volunteers Movement. All members shall be required to perform/carry-out any mandate that the SVM shall from time to time delegate. All members are required to protect and project the movement’s good image. All members must understand that they may be assigned duties in any part of the country upon completions of the Botswana Games 2015. The members shall upon completion of training receive accreditation. The movement reserves the right to accept or reject any application who declares false information. The signed and completed application and indemnity forms must be sent to SVM office. Also note that all applications will be sent through forensic evaluation before being accepted.
3) Information
The information in the brochures, circulars, leaflets and other advertisements issued by BNSC/SVM office for these Games or its agents is given in good faith, and unless specifically stated shall not form part of any contract between the Volunteers and SVM office .
4) Changes
BNSC/SVM office does not accept any liability arising out of changes to itineraries, or any other matters relating to a program, due to factors outside its control. These factors include wars, strikes, weather, political disputes, border closures, delayed flights etc. Any expenses incurred by the Volunteers arising out of these changes are for their own account. Volunteers may not change their own programs.
5) Travel Documents
All international volunteers must be in possession of Insurance, a valid passport, together with any necessary visas or required vaccinations, and the volunteer accepts full responsibility for obtaining the same. Any information or advice given by BNSC/SVM Volunteers or its agents with regard to the above is given in good faith, but BNSC/SVM office can accept no responsibility for the information given. Should a volunteer be refused entry to any country due to incorrect or incomplete documentation, BNSC/SVM office will not be held liable for any costs of such delays or repatriation costs for the volunteer.
6) Unsuitability/Disciplinary Procedures
During the event should a volunteer, in the sole opinion of SVM office or its duly authorized representative, be considered unsuitable for the event, due to being in contravention of any customs or laws of Botswana, or by reason of causing inconvenience or annoyance to other volunteers, then SVM office may disqualify the volunteer.
Members shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the movement and that in the event of a misconduct on their part, the movement or its’ agents shall take disciplinary action as they see fit. Members shall be expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner befitting the ideals for the movement stands. In the event that they do not do so, they must relinquish their membership if so directed by SVM or an appointed person.
A member will not disclose information to the media or to any other person(s) on any or all activities of the movement or its management, which could be to the detriment of the operations thereof. In the event any breach of this agreement or of indiscipline or misconduct on the part of a member, anyone or more of the following penalties may be imposed by the movement or its agents:
Membership may be terminated forthwith and accreditation may be suspended or withdrawn depending on the gravity of the offence. If terminated, that volunteer will not be allowed in the premises of the Games and their accreditation will be barred.
In such circumstances transportation back to nearest bus station will be provided for the volunteer’s departure from the Games. SVM office will not be liable to make any refund to the volunteer, and no other liability by SVM office to the volunteer will arise.
7) Limitation of Liability
The BNSC/SVM office is aware that certain risks exist which is an inherent part of the Games and also accepts volunteering on the understanding, and volunteers undertake all assignments and associated expeditions entirely at their own risk and will be managed accordingly. While SVM office takes every precaution to ensure the safety of volunteers, no responsibility can be accepted for any death, injury or loss that might occur to such volunteer, sustained from any causes whatsoever.
The volunteer and his/her dependents, heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, hereby indemnify and hold blameless, SVM office , its members, employees, representatives and agents from any claims of whatsoever nature and from any liability for delay, loss, damage, injury, illness or death arising from any cause whatsoever out of events related to or occurring during a Games.
8) The Contract
This contract, by whosoever, is made and wherever it is made, is subject to and shall be governed and construed according to Botswana laws.
9) Claims and Complaints
Any complaint that the volunteer has against SVM office or its projects must firstly be taken up with the SVM leaders, in order that the program leader is given an opportunity to remedy the problem. If the volunteer has any further complaint this must be lodged in writing to SVM office within 7 Days. If these procedures are not followed, then SVM office will not be held liable at all.
10) Itinerary
SVM office will provide volunteers itinerary and all volunteers will commit to their choice of schedule and sign-in when they report and sign-out at the end of their schedule.
11) Insurance
It is compulsory for all volunteers to submit copies of their medical conditions if any and medical insurance/Aid or family doctors contacts before commencing of the games. This will be used for medical, emergency and personal accident.
12) Defamation of Character
Any volunteer found to be defaming the character of any of SVM staff, Projects or SVM office will immediately be asked to leave the Games without any refund from SVM office, and legal action will be taken against the participant at their cost.
13) Excursions
Volunteers participating in any excursion out of SVM office programs do so at their own risk.
14) Advertising
This document and brochure replaces all other advertising whether on a website, written brochure, agent’s brochure or any other means.
15) Third Party Projects
SVM office is not responsible for any claims or damages encountered at third party project offered.